#57 River Gravel

Per Yard

Earth-toned (brown/ tan/ gray) gravel ranging from quarter to nickel sized. Commonly used in flower beds, walkways and pathways, as well as a decorative ground cover in place of mulch.  Good for drainage.

Approximately 2600 lb per yard

  • Smith Bros. Inc. is not responsible for any color or size variations on any bulk stone or gravel products.
  • These are natural products and are subject to have color and size variations at any time and without notice.
  • It is also normal for stone and gravel to contain some amounts of sand and fines, though some products do contain more excessive amounts than others. These are inherent characteristics of all stone and gravel products.

Ready to order but don’t know how much you need? Use our Landscape Material Calculator to determine how many yards you will need.

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